vineri, 12 iunie 2009

KRAFTWERK la Bucuresti

Au trecut putine minute de la incheierea concertului sustinut de Kraftwerk la Bucuresti si pot spune
ca a fost una dintre cele mai frumoase seri muzicale din viata mea. Ralf Hutter, singurul component din formula Kraftwerk originala, a gasit parteneri redutabili pentru a continua legenda inceputa la Dusseldorf in 1970. Alaturi de Hutter s-au aflat Fritz Hilpert, Henning Schmitz si Stefan Pfaffe (operatorul video).
La ora 20:45 acordurile piesei The Man Machine au pus in vibratie Sala Palatului. In cele 105 minute de exaltare pur electronica s-au auzit aproape toate hiturile care au schimbat muzica moderna: de la Autobahn, Trans-Europe Express, Radioactivity, The Model pana la Tour De France si Music Non-Stop.
Un moment de maxima intensitate a fost aparitia robotilor Kraftwerk gesticuland si cantand "We are the Robots", celebra piesa care ar putea servi ca imn generatiilor viitoare de masini inteligente. Publicul a fost surprins sa auda in piesa Showroom Dummies cateva versuri interpretate in limba romana "Noi suntem manechine, iesim si ne plimbam prin oras". Trucul a fost repetat si la piesa Computer World unde numaratoarea s-a facut si in romana "Unu, Doi, Trei, Patru". Exceptand o mica problema de sunet la primele doua piese, situatie remediata rapid chiar de unul dintre membrii grupului, totul a fost impecabil. Sincronizarea dintre sunet si imaginile proiectate pe imensul ecran de pe scena a constituit un element esential al spectacolului. Cu riscul de a folosi un cliseu, cred ca intregul eveniment a aratat inca o data proverbiala perfectiune germana. Publicul a fost exceptional, format din oameni care stiau foarte bine repertoriul si raspundeau generos cu ovatii si aplauze. La 40 de ani de la debut, Kraftwerk ne-au reamintit cat de mult le datoreaza muzica actuala si ca istoria multor genuri electronice incepe cu ei.

luni, 2 februarie 2009

Recenzii de albume recent publicate

De aproape 10 ani scriu ocazional cronici de album si note despre aparitii discografice care mi-au placut. Multe dintre ele au fost publicate in presa scrisa si pe net, pe site-urile artistilor si caselor de discuri sau au fost incluse in prezentari pentru magazine online de muzica. Iata-le pe cele mai recente:

Steve Roach, Byron Metcalf & Mark Seelig
TERMA (Projekt, 2008)

Nada Terma is definitely a work of kindred spirits. Metcalf, Roach and Seelig are musicians well rooted in the primordial ground of Being, exploring new ways to spread the essence of spiritual wisdom. This album succeed in transcending and integrating musical elements from ancient traditions (sufi, hindu and shamanic) while delivering a sublime aesthetic experience. The seven parts of Nada Terma are revealed as an uninterrupted waveform: from the quiet, formless space take rise a crescendo of harmonics and pulsating rhythms that ends after prolonged moments of intense trance into a point of clarity and surrender. Nada Terma is the offering of a truly inspired collaboration, and an intimate guide to the deepest terrain of our souls. As a radio host and psychotherapist, I think we are incredibly fortunate to have such a powerful experiential tool for healing and awakening.

Bruno Sanfilippo & Mathias Grassow
AMBESSENCE (ad21music, 2008)

There is a clear connection between Ambessence and the previous Sanfilippo's title Piano Textures. The floating, timeless quality of the piano notes is still here, but now the effect is more intense with Grassow's textures couched in subtle drones. Moments of irresistible beauty silently vibrate and resonate inside, opening a vast inner space of clarity and spiritual emotion. This work seems to require an intuitive mode of perception that seeks to overcome chaotic multiplicity and establish contact with a deep and authentic unifying essence. Beneath the calm waves of Ambessence lies the promise of bliss.

Max Corbacho
BREATHSTREAM (ad21music, 2008)

Max Corbacho is back again with a beautiful ambient album that express a deep sense of connection and unity.
Try to breath the gentle sounds floating in the air as if your lungs have thousands of little ears. Allow this fresh energy to enter into your body and mind and keep the stream. Soon the music takes you out of your bounderies, in the luminous space, where is no day, nor night, no form, nor colour.
Follow the great breath, step into the temple of dissolution and surrender to the Pure Being. BreathStream album invites us to embrace Immanence and Transcendence, the fullness and the void and to discover a deeper reality through a sublime musical experience that will leave you breathless.

Kit Watkins
THIS TIME AND SPACE (Earth Mantra, 2008) - reissue

This Time and Space is memorable in its ineffable atmosphere, its capacity to cast a spell on the listener while bringing him more intensely into contact with himself. The sounds flow continuously, dissolving any contrasts and unbinding primordial emotions ... a soundworld of perennial beauty and profound tenderness that captures our yearning for deep peace and contentment. Lovely music for meditation and a landmark recording in the field of Ambient Healing.