Max Corbacho e unul dintre artistii pe care-i urmaresc indeaproape de 10 ani, de la aparitia albumului sau "Vestiges". Am luat un rol mai activ de promovare si am scris pana in prezent 5 recenzii pentru discurile recente, toate publicate pe site-ul sau oficial. Cele mai proaspete impresii le am in urma auditiei ultimului disc ARS LUCIS:
"If Goethe called architecture frozen music, it seems that Max Corbacho succeeded in his latest recording to release music from stone without losing the sacred geometries. ARS LUCIS delivers a perfect flow of space, sound and silence manifested in seven tracks of pure meditative harmonies. Every piece of music shine with aural beauty from a quiet inner centre opening to the infinite. Delicate resonances are melting into an uncognoscible light, calling the senses to perceive beyond any form, infusing the mind with spaciousness that permeats and pervades an entire world of subtle experiences. Listening effortlessly, finally you will feel your entire being as a unique stained glass window crossed by abundant luminous waves projecting a radiant display of color on distant ethereal planes. ARS LUCIS proves to be an effective tool for expanding consciousness and a treasure for fans of deep ambient music."
"If Goethe called architecture frozen music, it seems that Max Corbacho succeeded in his latest recording to release music from stone without losing the sacred geometries. ARS LUCIS delivers a perfect flow of space, sound and silence manifested in seven tracks of pure meditative harmonies. Every piece of music shine with aural beauty from a quiet inner centre opening to the infinite. Delicate resonances are melting into an uncognoscible light, calling the senses to perceive beyond any form, infusing the mind with spaciousness that permeats and pervades an entire world of subtle experiences. Listening effortlessly, finally you will feel your entire being as a unique stained glass window crossed by abundant luminous waves projecting a radiant display of color on distant ethereal planes. ARS LUCIS proves to be an effective tool for expanding consciousness and a treasure for fans of deep ambient music."